Un Kinetoscope à construire !
Le site HEEZA.fr reste ouvert pendant cette nouvelle période de confinement.
Mais qui que quoi donc ?
En attendant de reprendre son programme de conférences mensuelles à la rentrée,...
So, we have the game "ole" MILLION FACE wich costs 20 €, and we can finish it in exactly 28 years, 8 hours, 58 minutes and 48 seconds...
We want to know how much costs 1 hour of this game....
It is thus necessary first of all to transform the total duration into seconds.
So :
What gives us a 880.621.128 seconds total for finishing the game.
To obtain one duration in hours, let us divide this number by 3.600 = 244.616,98 hours
Like this game costs 20 €, let us divide 20 by 244.616,98....
This costs thus 0,0000817605 € by hour !!!
At this price, it is straightforwardly given, not?
Oh YES !!!
I run to buy it! >