a flip-book by Massimo INDRIO (Italy - 1998)
Original title : BULA BULA ZODIACO - Vergine
VIRGO Zodiacal sign seen by our hero BULA BULA !
6 x 9, 5 cm 60 black & white pages |
---> COLLECTOR ! 1st edition of 1998 - Limited quantity
Animation :
Normal direction of flipping : | from front to back |
Advised speed : | 8 pages a second |
Average duration : | 7 seconds |
Level of difficulty of flipping : | Beginner |
| Confirmed |
| Expert |
But you do wat you want, it’s YOU the BIG chief ! .....
6 x 9 cm 60 black & white pages |
---> COLLECTOR ! 1st edition of 1998 - Limited quantity
Massimo INDRIO

Massimo INDRIO is the author of many animated flipbooks and other books for children. He does not only write the books, but draws them, illustrates them and animates them.
He is also an Architect, and he lives and works in Florence, Italy.
He has written and published over forty animated flipbooks that have BULA BULA (a funny and fat little man) as their main character. BULA BULA is very well known to children and grown ups in Italy. He created very recently a new character, PINCO.
He has written also a dozen of humorous and educational books for children, some of which have won awards (Premio Internazionale dell’umorismo di Bordighera, 1997. Premio Sarezzo, 1997. L’aquilone d’argento, 2004).
At last, he has created also true animated cartoons :
- Il reame pietrificato (The Petrified forest - 10 minutes)
- Mr. Poppy (13 stories, each 40 seconds long)
- Le strabilianti avventure dell’esploratore Maccherone
(The amazing adventures of the explorer Maccherone)
to be continued...
What is a flip-book ? >

The Massimo INDRIO’s flipbooks >