A documentary by Jonathan BRODA (France / 2010)
Who are these women through films they made , have changed the look that we carry on them ?
This documentary presents an alternative history of cinema, which takes into account gender issues, women’s status, and the struggle for gender equality.
DVD PAL All Zones Stereo Sound - Colors Language : French Total Running Time 55 mn approx |
With the participation of Solveig ANSPACH, Michèle BERNHEIM, Jacky BUET, Rafik DJOUMI, Nicole FERNANDEZ-FERRER, Laurence FERREIRA-BARBOSA, Hélène FLECKINGER, Agnès GODARD, Maïwenn, Tonie MARSHALL, Maria de MEDEIROS, Margaret MENEGOZ, Agnès VARDA... and more !

This DVD is a french edition.
So, if you can read french, you’ll have a complete description
by clicking
in Language Menu (Top).
DVD PAL All Zones Stereo Sound - Colors Language : French Total Running Time 55 mn approx |