A film by Uzi & Lotta GEFFENBLAD (Sweden - 2005)
from 4 years.
Franz accompanies his father leader to a musical colony of summer. He would like to play of an instrument but it is still too small. It is however him which, to save the concert, will assist from the soloist victim from spite from the other children...
DVD PAL Zone 2 French Version Screen 1.37 - Colors Sound Dolby SR Total Running Time 50mn approx |

A french booklet to play with the characters of the film
DVD PAL Zone 2 French Version Screen 1.37 - Colors Sound Dolby SR Total Running Time 50mn approx |

was born in Sweden in 1962. In 1985, she obtains a diploma in design and publicity at the Beckmans school in Stockholm, and the same year she creates the production company Zigzag Animation. She works like director, artistic author, or animator with more than twenty animated projects. She also illustrates books, magazines, and a whole page of cartoons is reserved to her in the Swedish magazine Allers.
was born in Israel in 1964 and settles in Sweden in 1986. Child, he learns how to play of the horn and occurs with orchestras in theatres. Since the middle of the 80’s, he composes music movies with very different styles. He also works with the scenario, the sound, the realization, or the production of animated projects.
to be continued ...