A book by Georges TCHERKESSOF (France / 1934)
Magic !
Put on the "100 years glasses" and jump from one century to another !
Facsimile of the first edition published in 1934, in Collection du Père Castor.
Softcover 24 x 28 cm 16 color pages + a pair of "100 years glasses" (red/blue) French Text |
2 pages of the book and the pair of "100 years glasses" :
(click to enlarge)

Look through the blue filter : you’re in the days when the grandfather of your grandfather was a boy !

Look through the red filter : you’re back to today (in 1934, of course!), with of your parents and things that are familiar to you.
Tout change... (Everything changes ...)
Video :
Auprès du feu
La nuit tombe
- Promenade
- Sur le rail
- Sur la route
- En mer
- En l’air
- A travers l’espace
- L’atelier et l’usine
- Le labour
- Sur la plage
- A l’école
Softcover 24 x 28 cm 16 color pages + a pair of "100 years glasses" (red/blue) French Text |

Each page of this book contains two illustrations together, one printed in red, the other printed in blue.
When you look at the page through the blue filter, your eye sees only the image printed in red. And when you look at the page through the red filter, your eye sees only the image printed in blue.
It is with this same basic principle, but used differently, we can create stereoscopic images, called anaglyphs >